Kingston Road Roofing
Roofing and Masonry Specialists For Toronto

House Painting

Get a free estimate from Kingston Road Roofing and Construction for painting the exterior of your home or roof in Toronto

Painting House Pasadena

Interior and Exterior Painters for Toronto

Painting House PasadenaLooking for a quality painting contractor in Toronto? Call Kingston Road Roofing and Construction for a free estimate for painting the interior or exterior of your home which includes roof painting, walling, garages and more.

Interior painting services include standard houses, ceilings, walls and more: Hands-on, expert painters for Toronto.

Our team will work professionally and quickly to paint all interior homes with over 20 years of experience at painting various styles and designs in houses and ranging from ceilings to landings, exterior painting and more.

When painting exteriors, we pressure clean the existing exterior to ensure no soft patches or flakes are left in place. Once cleaned thoroughly, we use a solid primer and masonry paint to ensure a solid, long-lasting finish on your exterior walling.

For a free estimate for house painting in Toronto, call Kingston Road Roofing and Construction on (416) 930-6718.


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